About Us

Anantrao Kanase Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital


Dr.Chandrakant Kanase - Founder Chairman

Founder of Kumswami Medical Foundation Foundation and Shivneri Foundation. He is MD Medicine (Gold Medalist) from B.J. Medical College. He is working in education field for last 25 years and believes in hard work and ethical business.


Gynaecologist by profession, She is a MBBS, DGO from Miraj Medical College, founder member of Kulswami Medical Foundation. Dr. Saraswati Kanase is a gynecologist with over 30 years of experience in treating women with PCOS and related health problems through lifestyle modification. She specializes in helping patients shift their lifestyles by working to understand the root cause of their symptoms and providing them with guidance on how they can make changes to live healthier lives. Her work in the healthcare industry for the last 30 years is impeccable and unparalleled. Throughout her medical practice, she carried out a number of hysterectomy camps with the help of multiple Rotary Clubs at her hospital and, operated and treated more than 1000 patients free of cost. For this work, she was awarded Rotarian of the year. Though not only in healthcare, she has engraved her name in Education Industry too. Dr.Saraswati Kanase leads a team of more than 500 education professionals, teachers and doctors under organizations called Shivneri Foundation and Kulswami Medical Foundation, Anant Charitable Trust. Established in 2005 and 2000 respectively, she is a founder member of the trusts and leads the trusts as a President now. While working as a Doctor in a rural area she understood the lack of quality education in Rural Area which motivated her to establish multiple Educational Institutes in rural Pune, like Shivneri Boarding School, Shivneri Institute of Pharmacy, Anantrao Kanase Homoeopathic Medical College, Shivneri Polytechnic, ITI to name a few. For her work in the Education industry, she was awarded 'Shivner Gaurav Puraskar' in 2007 jointly with her husband Hon. Dr.Chandrakant Kanase. Mother of two and a grandmother of three, she is also a Masters in manpower management from SPPU. What makes this special is, she topped this post-graduate course in SPPU while working, at the age of 45. While working in different industries, she is also a renowned yoga enthusiast. She is a yoga professional and works towards creating an awareness of yoga and it's health benefits. Throughout her life, she has changed the lives of many with the help of her yoga skills. Not only Yoga, she is also an amazing singer and is a 'Sangeet Visharad'.


MBBS,MD Psychiatry He is a Psychiatrist (M.D. Psychiatry) by profession, Director of Suman Rehabilitation Center who completed his MD in Psychiatry. Well known for his impeccable diagnosis, he is also known for his mastery over illnesses like Deaddiction, Schizophrenia, Phobias, Bi-polar, etc. He has a professional experience of 10years and has served to his best to the people of Junnar Taluka, Pune city.


CCH Recognised & Affiliated to MUHS Nashik

Top Medical College in India

One of the most reputed homoeopathic medical college in India. 20+ years of legacy.

Team of 100+ Doctors

Team of expert doctors from all the specializations.

Well-Equipped Labs

Fully Functional Well Equipped Labs

Library with 30000 Books

Library with huge collection of books, e-books, journals, e-journals

Welcome to Anantrao Kanase Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital

Expert Team

  • Dr. Jarad Savita

    Obstetrics & Gynecology

    Experience - 14.8 yrs. Date of Joining -01-01-2007 Department - Obstetrics & Gynecology Designation -Assistant Professor Qualification - MD (Hom.) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 37610 (12/07/2004, MCH, Mumbai) Current Email - savitasjarad@gmail.com

  • Dr. Kanase Chandrakant

    Practice of Medicine

    Experience - 21.8 yrs. Date of Joining -15-12-1999 Department - Practice of Medicine Designation - Professor & HOD Qualification - MD (Medicine) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 50469 (28/07/1983, MMC, Mumbai) Current Email - cakanase@gmail.com

  • Dr. Kulkarni Aparna

    Practice of Medicine

    Experience - 11.10 yrs. Date of Joining -05-11-2009 Department - Practice of Medicine Designation - Associate Professor Qualification - MD (Hom.) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 38549 (05/02/2005, MCH, Mumbai) Current Email - aparna1282@yahoo.com

  • Dr. Thorat Sandhya

    Community Medicine

    Experience - 20.8 yrs. Date of Joining -01-01-2001 Department - Community Medicine Designation - Associate Professor & HOD Qualification - MD (Hom.) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 27303 (04/09/1998, MCH, Mumbai) Current Email - sandhyathorat060@gmail.com

  • Dr. Patil Snehal

    Practice of Medicine

    Experience - 2.8 yrs. Date of Joining -01-02-2019 Department - Community Medicine Designation - Assistant Professor Qualification - MD (Hom.) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 62450 (25/07/2015, MCH, Mumbai) Current Email - dr.shehalpatil91@gmail.com

  • Dr. Soman Sushrut

    Case Taking & Repertory

    Experience - 2.8 yrs. Date of Joining -01-03-2005 Department - Case Taking & Repertory Designation - Professor & HOD Qualification - MD (Hom.) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 32503 (23/11/2001, MCH, Mumbai) Current Email - sushrut.soman9@gmail.com

  • Dr. Awari Sunita

    Case Taking & Repertory

    Experience - 17.11 yrs. Date of Joining -01-01-2004 Department - Case Taking & Repertory Designation - Associate Professor Qualification - MD (Hom.) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 33463 (20/07/2002, MCH, Mumbai) Current Email - drawari.sunita@gmail.com

  • Dr. Mhetre Prakash

    Case Taking & Repertory

    Experience - 2.8 yrs Date of Joining -01-02-2019 Department - Case Taking & Repertory Designation - Assistant Professor Qualification - MD (Hom.) Date of Registration of State Council of Homoeopathy/MCH/CCH - 47432 (23/01/2009, MCH, Mumbai) Current Email - prakash_mhetre@yahoo.co.in

  • Dr. Mrs. Vibhute Pradnya Jayant

    Homoeopathic Pharmacy

  • Dr. Shinde Anil M.


    DOB - 07-07-1971 Qualification - M.S. (Ortho)

  • Dr. Gorde Tabaji Gajanan

    Obstetrics & Gynecology

    Qualification - M.B.B.S. , MD(Obs/Gyn) DOB - 23-11-1962

  • Dr. Sawalkar Aparna Gajanan


    Qualification - MD (Hom.) DOB - 12-09-1977

  • Dr.Shinde Pravin Tukaram

    Community Medicine

    Qualification - MD (Hom.) DOB - 21-01-1980

  • Dr.Nalawade Rajesh Chandrakant

    Organon of Medicine

    Qualification - Guest Associate Professor DOB - M.D.(Hom.)

  • Dr. Maniyar Firoj I.

    Case Taking & Repertory

    Qualification - BHMS DOB - 06-06-1981

  • Dr.Hande Sagar

    Practice of Medicine

    Qualification - BHMS DOB - 13-09-1977




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