Course Feature
Class Description
Departed of pathology Established In The Year 1990.The Objective of Pathology is to develop Skill Set required for comprehending the abnormal circumstances that occurs as a process of Disease development .
Pathology Is Subject of Second year B.H.M.S. It consists theory lectures, & Practical and also hands on training in performing experiments in college pathology laboratory. Subject of pathology is the Foundation of all the Clinical subjects students are being imparted the training in a Meticulous, organized pattern of Cognative, Psycomotor & skill development domain Students are also thought about the Application of Evidence based Medicine concept
The Department of pathology is 99.08 Square Metre. Department is having HOD Cabin, Teaching faculty cabin, library , demonstration hall, Museum For Teaching Purpose Teaching Aids like Charts, Models, Specimens etc .Students are exposed in field work of Camps conducted by Institute these activities helps them in conduction of various pathology lab procedures. It also helps them to interpret the laboratory reports in scientific manner.